The website is ready to present updates and documentation for Hygames projects

The website is now ready to keep everyone updated on the state of Hygames and the different projects. Documentation on the first project, GameBox, will be kept up to date alongside development.

For the moment there will not be much activity on this website as Hytale is still in development. You can check out their blog to see the current state of the game. There are already a few cool sneak peeks about the different worlds, environments and modes that will be awaiting us on release.

While waiting for Hytale to be released, you can join the Hygames discord server. If you are interested in our projects or even would like to help in any way, join the server and chat with us. We are especially looking for someone who would like to create assets for minigames and, for example, design an icon for Hygames.

We are looking forward to Hytale and will be back with more news.